Our Summer 2019 Garden

We’ve already harvested over 215 pounds of produce from our garden this summer! This is only the second year we’ve had the garden at Ministry with Community, but once again, members are taking excellent care of it and it shows.  

The garden is a great place for members to give back, but it’s also a place where they can feel restored. “It’s not just a garden of vegetables. It’s a garden of human love,” said Debra, a member at MwC and a devoted garden volunteer.

Everything harvested from our garden goes directly to our kitchen to be prepared for meals. In July alone, we served 12,659 meals, so each pound of produce makes a difference in our budget and helps us provide healthy options for our members.

Interested in volunteering in our garden? Click here to fill out a volunteer application or contact Megan Stull, Volunteer and Operations Coordinator at mstull@ministrywithcommunity.org or 269-343-6073 x134.